Brad left for Afghanistan on November 7th, 2012. It will be a long 9 months! I am going to try to post news and updates as I get them. Any of you who hear from Brad, feel free to post too. And please post questions as well. Who knows, Brad may be able to access and post too -- which would be great.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back to the States by the end of July!

Had a call from Brad today.  Great to hear his voice, as always.  No specifics -- and there may not be any specifics until right before it happens - but it looks like he will be back in Georgia near the end/before the end of July!  He will spend some period of time there, and then be able to come home/visit anywhere in the states between August 9th and September 9th before resuming his duties at Fort Stewart.  Woo hoo! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Had a call from Brad

He sounded really upbeat despite the fact that he's living in a tent, it's 100 degrees (or feels like it or worse), and he's eating only MREs.  I think he is starting to get info about coming home logistics -- which is awesome!  Still a ways off -- later this summer -- but great for us all to think about!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Heard from Brad

He is well. He has moved. Nearest area on the map is Nangarhar. Tents are all set up. No Internet for the next 4-6 weeks at least, but he will hopefully be able to make a quick "I'm doing OK" phone call about once a week. It was a short call, but great to hear his voice.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day Brad Update

The whole family had a chance for a video Skype with Brad on Mother's Day -- which made this mother very happy!  The kids were excited too.

I found out a little more about where he will be starting soon (still don't know when "soon" is).

There will be about 24 guys.  They will start out living in big tents that sleep 12+ -- 2 for them and 1 for "meetings".  Other gear will be what I picture to be shipping crates that you would see on the back of a train or ship.  They will have generators for power and they will have water -- but no internet, at least at first.  They won't have a cook, but I didn't get a clear picture of whether they would have MREs or more...

I will share more details if I hear them.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Had a Skype with Brad -- see picture!

Had a real Skype talk with Brad -- with picture and voice and everything!  He looks good -- and you can see his smile too!

He has left FOB Ripley and moved to an interim location before leaving for his new village soon.  He is in the Nangarhar Province.  Now he is near Jalalabad, and will be moving close to Chapahar soon.   He is with a group of about 60 guys now.  He has some internet and basic amenities now, but does not think he will have much of anything once he moves.  Sadly, he doesn't think he will be able to get any mail for the foreseeable future. 

Will forward any new updates I get. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Funny Story...

Brad has apparently had his driving privileges on base revoked....

It seems he ran an armored vehicle into a wall.  Perhaps images seemed smaller than they appeared in his rear view mirror??  The vehicle was fine.  The wall, not so much.

BUT, one of Brad's jobs when they go out on missions is to drive the armored vehicle.  So what do they do?  His buddy drives it to the gate, they switch drivers and go.  Same thing on the return.  I find this very funny!